are you fatter...i mean faster than a speeding bullet? can you pop popcorn with your heat vision, or perv on your friends mom or girlfriend with extra special X-ray eyes? if you can, then piss off cuz im jealous, and had to dream about those kinda things and take a quiz to find out what kind of superhero i would be if i wasnt such a lamer. anyway if youre like me, or you just wanna know how super you can be and in what way, then relax take your shoes off, parlay for a minute and waste some of those carefully horded brain cells and find out by clicking the link at the bottom. c'mon whaddya got ta lose you'd probably waste those same brain cells masturbating anyway.
Your results:
You are The Flash
Fast, athletic and flirtatious.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz
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