hello there, i guess this blog is meant to be an outlet for all the muck that manages to permeate and/ or penetrate the appropriate lobes of my brain. im not really sure if it makes any sense to any of the few brave/stupid enough to visit it. A lot has been going on lately, or perhaps it is better said that not much has been going on and I just make a big deal of it. Whatever. I just got back from hawaii as those of you who will most likely end up reading this will know. It was comforting. com·fort
P Pronunciation Key (k
tr.v. com·fort·ed, com·fort·ing, com·forts () - To soothe in time of affliction or distress.
- To ease physically; relieve.
n. - A condition or feeling of pleasurable ease, well-being, and contentment.
- Solace in time of grief or fear.
- Help; assistance: gave comfort to the enemy.
- One that brings or provides comfort.
- The capacity to give physical ease and well-being: enjoying the comfort of my favorite chair.
mainly because (though im not sure if i will ever be able to explain, i will endeavor to attempt just that) there are certain small idiosycratic things i miss about th US. Now these thing will probably seem trivial, but thats how i feel so piss off. One of the aforementioned things is maple syrup on my pancakes. I suppose not having syurp on my pancakes is like not having rice with nasi lemak, in that it just isnt right or the same. There were a host of other small things that brought sense to a strangley familiar place. i say that not only because i have lived most of my life in the US, but also because that particular part of the us (hawaii) is very reminiscent of Malaysia. due to the fact that the Hawaiians looked strikingly similar to Malays, combined with the fact the the weather is about the same except for the refreshing breeze that is. Well, the point im trying to make here is that it was comforting because it encompassed familiar aspects of two places i call home, in a twilightzone kind of way. any way none of this probabaly makes any sense to anyone but me but i hope you had a good time reading this. i know iknow i said there was a lot going on, and there is. So much that i think i may need more time to digest in order sum it all up. i guess thats what i get for not updating this thing.
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