hello there, i guess this blog is meant to be an outlet for all the muck that manages to permeate and/ or penetrate the appropriate lobes of my brain. im not really sure if it makes any sense to any of the few brave/stupid enough to visit it. A lot has been going on lately, or perhaps it is better said that not much has been going on and I just make a big deal of it. Whatever. I just got back from hawaii as those of you who will most likely end up reading this will know. It was comforting.
com·fort P Pronunciation Key (kmfrt)
tr.v. com·fort·ed, com·fort·ing, com·forts
- To soothe in time of affliction or distress.
- To ease physically; relieve.
- A condition or feeling of pleasurable ease, well-being, and contentment.
- Solace in time of grief or fear.
- Help; assistance: gave comfort to the enemy.
- One that brings or provides comfort.
- The capacity to give physical ease and well-being: enjoying the comfort of my favorite chair.
i know iknow i said there was a lot going on, and there is. So much that i think i may need more time to digest in order sum it all up. i guess thats what i get for not updating this thing.
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